
Market Maker Deployment Requirements


Market Maker version 1.* deployment setup requires one instance for Market Maker.

Please grant SSH (port 22) access to for IP addresses below:,,

Market Maker Env

Market Maker requires Amazon Linux 2 machine with minimum 16 CPU and 64Gb RAM.

  • Type: m6i.4xlarge
  • Disk size: 425 Gb
  • User: ec2-user
  • Arch: x86_64

AWS AMI: Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type

The services below should be available for Market Maker operator (I.e., via internet):

Inbound rules:

TypeProtocolPort rangeSourceDescription
Custom TCPTCP8099-8995Custom<Your_public_IP/32>Market Maker apps
Custom TCPTCP9000Custom<Your_public_IP/32>Graylog
Custom TCPTCP3000Custom<Your_public_IP/32>Grafana
Custom TCPTCP8080Custom<Your_public_IP/32>Keycloak
Custom TCPTCP8080Custom<Public_instance_IP/32>Keycloak access for public instance IP

Outbound rules:

TypeProtocolPort rangeDestinationDescription
All trafficAllAllCustom0.0.0.0/0Allow outgoing traffic
  • Your_public_IP/32 - any public IP address you use to connect to Marker Maker (e.g. office IP, home IP, server IP etc.).
  • Public_instance_IP - this is a public IP address of the ec2 instance, where Market Maker is already installed.
  • Add the public IP address of the ec2 instance to the security group so that other services could connect to Keycloak (user management system) via this public IP. This is a required condition for other services to operate, unless you connect to a VPN. In this case, this is not required.


AWS Instance Location

We recommend choosing the AWS region closer to your target exchanges. Below is the average ping time from N.Virginia region to the popular exchanges:

Bitpanda0.7Binance JEX0.8FalconX0.8Huobi0.7

HTTPS Access

The standard deployment does not provide HTTPS access to Market Maker services out of the box. We recommend using AWS Application Load Balancer as SSL termination for Market Maker services.

EPAM Systems all rights reserved, 2024